Dealers in mineralogy equipment

directory of suppliers of equipment for mineralogy, mineral collecting and prospecting, laboratory equipment, microscopes, UV-lights, lapidary, gemology, mineral analysis:

 General assortment
Amateur Geologist 
outfitting the professional geologist, student geologist, recreational geologist, and rockhound

De Bodemschat 
a wide variety of geological equipment, books, software, presentation displays, storagesystems and many modells and sizes of storageboxes

geological equipment, presentation and display

Krantz, Rheinisches Mineralien Kontor GmbH
geological teaching materials and geological equipment

UKGE Limited
over 10,000 products, from minerals and fossils to geological equipment
 Collecting and prospecting
Black Cat Mining 
gold prospecting, rockhounding and treasure hunting books and equipment 

Contract Geological Services, Inc., geological equipment and supplies

Portable Handheld Geiger counter for field work

Gold Maps Online 
View maps of active and abandoned gold mining claims using Google Earth 
specialist in metal detectors 

Swarf Systems
tools for geologists and mineral collectors (especially rock trimmers)
 Laboratory equipment
earth science supplies, laboratory equipment, minerals

Gouda-Geo Equipment supplies specialized equipment for soil investigation, such as CPT, SPT and DPT equipment, geotechnical software and books, secondhand rigs, filter tubes, etc.

Mineralab provides quality, affordable, and easy-to-use tools for making your own mineral identifications

offers a variety of reliable, precise scales and balances useful for mineralogy applications 
ABRO de microscopenspecialist 
second hand microscopes (in Dutch language only) 

ASKANIA Mikroskop Technik Rathenow GmbH 
stereo microscopes

microscopes for study or school (in Dutch language only)

Optika Microscopes Italy 
optical microscopes for education and research 
Blacklights USA 
specializes in only Black Lights. We offer hand held black lights. 
ultraviolet display lamps and fluorescent minerals

UV Systems, Inc. 
a complete line of high-technology ultraviolet lighting products and component parts
 Presentation, display, packaging
Denver Rockboxes 
supplier of mineral flats, cotton-filled boxes, fold-up boxes, and related supplies

Fetpak inc. 
displays, packaging, mailing, shipping and labeling supplies, jewelry displays, gem trays

GTZIP - Ziplock Bags Wholesaler 
low cost provider of ziplock bags 

Jule-Art Inc. Acrylic Display Manufacturer 
Complete on-line catalog of one of the largest selections of acrylic gems and minerals displays

Mehmen & Theißen 
Großhandel für Schmuckpackungen und Silberschmuck. Schmuckverpackungen, Schmucketuis, Schmucktüten, Etuis aus Kunststoff, Büsten, Schmuckdekoration

large selection of items for presenting and safeguarding mineral specimens as well as other equipment

materials for presentation and transport of minerals, gems, jewels and other small objects.

U.S. Box Corp. 
boxes, bags and pouches for the mineral trade

 Lapidary supplies
Anand Gems 
tools and machinery for the lapidary industry, like sawing machines, faceting & polishing machines ,concave faceting machines, vibrator machines 

Diamond Pacific Online Catalog 
polishing and grinding cabber units, diamond wheels, lapidary rock saws, gemstone carving

slijpmachines, slijpapparatuur en toebehoren, loepen en microscopen 
Krüss offers a complete range of instrumentation for the professional gemmologist
 Mineral analysis
Attard's Minerals
Identification service of crystalline materials, natural or manmade, using in house XRD and/or XRF.

Eastern Applied Research 
this company offers several different models of ED-XRF technology for mineral analysis in a geological setting. For on-site mineral analysis, Eastern Applied offers a handheld XRF spectrometer.  
Bench-top spectrometers are also available for off-site, laboratory, analysis.

Analytical service includes a SEM image, EDS spectra, standardless quantification of elements by weight percent, and a full written report
 Crystal models
3D prints polyhedra models of all the point symmetry groups 

Smorf crystal models 
plastic crystal models with sharp edges and flat faces for educational purposes