Mineralogy journals

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revista digital de Mineralogía Topográfica Ibérica - Spanish journal about the mineralogy of the Iberian Peninsula (free access)

revista digital de minas y minerales de la Península Ibérica - Spanish journal about mining and minerals (free access)

American Mineralogist
the journal of the Mineralogical Society of America

Der Aufschluss
a German journal of the Vereinigung der Freunde der Mineralogie und Geologie (VFMG)

Australia and New Zealand Micromineral News 
a publication for those interested in micromounting or microminerals, and particularly in minerals from this region 

The Australian Gemmologist
official journal of The Gemmological Association of Australia

Australian Journal of Mineralogy
appears twice a year

BMS Newsletter
journal of the British Micormount Society, appears 3 times a year

The Canadian Mineralogist
the journal of the Mineralogical Association of Canada which puts out the Special Publication series which is directed not only at professionals but also to advanced collectors.

Clay Minerals
includes papers on Earth processes soil science, geology/mineralogy, chemistry/material science, colloid/surface science, applied science and technology and health/ environment topics

Crystallography Journals Online
at the website of the International Union of Crystallography

an international magazine of mineralogy, geochemistry and petrology.
Every issue explores a theme of broad and current interest in the mineral sciences. Elements also presents regular features like a calendar of events, short course announcements, awards, conference reports, policy news, as well as news of the Societies. Elements publishes invited peer-reviewed papers for its thematic collection of papers. 

European Journal of Mineralogy
information on history and aims of the European Journal of Mineralogy, on the editorial board, with tables of contents of recent and forthcoming issues, with instructions to authors and subscription information. There are links to other mineralogical journals.

een korte beschrijving van de laatste nummers van het tijdschrift GEA 

Gems & Gemology
journal of the Gemological Institute of America (GIA). GIA is offering the complete archive of its Gems & Gemology journal free through its website. The archive contains issues of the magazine from 1934 -1980. PDF files of all 192 issues published between 1934 and 198- are provided, exactly as they appeared on the printed page. 

Dutch language mineralogical journal. Nederlandstalig tijdschrift met artikels omtrent alle aspecten van de mineralogie. Geonieuws streeft naar een evenwicht tussen hobby en wetenschappelijke interesse.

The GeoRef database
the GeoRef database, established by the American Geosciences Institute in 1966, provides access to the geoscience literature of the world. GeoRef is the most comprehensive database in the geosciences and continues to grow by more than 100,000 references a year. The database contains over 3.9 million references to geoscience journal articles, books, maps, conference papers, reports and theses

Grondboor en Hamer 
de Nederlandse Geologische Vereniging publiceert 5 keer per jaar het tijdschrift Grondboor & Hamer, waarvan 1 dubbelnummer. Hierin staan interessante artikelen over geologie in Nederland en daarbuiten 

a German journal for mineral collectors. Lapis is distributed in 43 countries of the world, predominantly in German speaking countries.

Journal of Geosciences 
an international peer-reviewed journal published by the Czech Geological Society with support from the Czech Geological Survey. It accepts high-quality original research or review papers dealing with all aspects of the nature and origin of igneous and metamorphic rocks. 

Journal of Mineralogical and Petrological Sciences
journal of the Japan Association of Mineralogical Sciences with articles, reviews and letters in the fields of mineralogy, petrology, economic geology, geochemistry, planetary materials science, and related scientific fields.

Journal of the Russell Society 
the Russell Society publishes refereed articles by both amateur and professional mineralogists dealing with all aspects of mineralogy relating to the British Isles.

Minabs Online
online abstracts service from the Mineralogical Society of Great Britain & Ireland.

Swiss journal for mineral collectors

Mineralien-Magazin für Sammler, Händler, Museums-Fachleute

Mineral Mite
a journal for micromineralogists published by the MNCA (= Micromineralogists of the National Capital Area). Monthly newsletter with nice color photos and interesting articles written by the club members. PDF files can be downloaded free of charge through their website.

"Mineral Monograph" (known formerly as " extraLapis English")
what started as the English equivalent of extraLapis has evolved in even better publications. 20 Volumes so far (summer 2018)

Mineral News
the Mineral News is a monthly newsletter for mineral collectors, containing news and information on minerals and mineral localities with locality descriptions and emphasizing news of new discoveries and other information. 

Mineralogical Magazine 
journal of the Mineralogical Society of Great Britain, published 6 times a year. Covers the fields of mineralogy, crystallography, geochemistry, petrology, environmental geology and economic geology. 

Mineralogical Record
the Mineralogical Record is the world's foremost publication for mineral collectors. Each issue contains in depth articles on minerals and mineral localities, lavishly illustrated with beautiful color photography of some of the world's finest minerals, features on prominent mineral collectors and mineral museums, news of the latest mineral discoveries, field collecting stories and more.

Mineralogistes de Catalunya 
Spanish mineralogical magazine of the Grup Mineralógic Català

Mineral Webzine
mineralogical information for rockhounds in French and English

Netherlands Journal of Geosciences - Geologie en Mijnbouw
international quarterly journal, which publishes papers on all aspects of geoscience, providing they are of international interest and quality.

Oryktologika Nea - News on Minerals
bilingual (Hellenic-English) Mineralogical Newsletter

The Picking Table
The official publication of the Franklin-Ogdensburg Mineralogical Society, published twice each year. Featuring articles of interest to the mineralogical community that mainly pertain to the area of Franklin-Ogdensburg, New Jersey, USA. PDF files of Volume 50 or older can be downloaded free of charge through their website.

Le Règne Minéral
French mineralogical magazine

Rivista mineralogica Italiana
Italian mineralogical magazine of the Gruppo Mineralogico Lombardo

Rocks and Minerals
America's oldest popular magazine about minerals, Rocks & Minerals has published articles of interest to all students of mineralogy, geology, and paleontology since 1926. The magazine is designed to meet the needs of the amateur in the field as well as the professional.

Rock & Gem Magazine
magazine for the lapidary and mineral hobbyist. Not a trade journal and not a scientific dissertation, it speaks to the average rockhound

Schweizer Strahler
Swiss journal for mineral collectors

Zapiski RMO 
proceedings of the Russian Mineralogical Society. Scientific announcements on mineralogy, petrology, deposits study, crystallography, geochemistry, and also articles on science history, etc.